Part 9 : Childhood continued

Just in case you don’t understand the ‘emotions’ part, consult someone super emotional (am one of them) and you shall know that super emotional people have equally super – strong will power, strong beliefs and above all, strong will to achieve their strong beliefs.

We discussed how little Voldie remained away from everyone firstly because of guilt and sadness he inherited and later because of the weird thins that happened to him and now that he knew that he was special and knew the way to enhance these powers; he spent most of his time experimenting and trying. We know this as he took two muggle kids to the cave and stuff. But then he was, at the end of the day, lonely. Even though he was special, he didn’t have a friend. All children at the orphanage found him weird or were scared of him (his abilities which he used evilly of them)

Well then, he was a very convenient prey for the dark thoughts. The dark or say devil does conquer lonely but powerful souls. And Voldie was just perfect!

At this time, if he would have got some love and care or probably a good friend to confide into, the things would then have had been really different.

As far as I can say is that till now all Voldie wanted was a name of his own as he couldn’t bear using name of the person who disowned him even before he was born but now, it must have come to his brain that people must fear his name as well.

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