Part 10 : Childhood and entry in Hogwarts

As far as I can say is that till now all Voldie wanted was a name of his own as he couldn’t bear using name of the person who disowned him even before he was born but now, it must have come to his brain that people must fear his name as well. This happened probably because whenever he must have tried showing his magical abilities to any child at the orphanage, the child would have got scared that Tom would harm him, Tom either must have enjoyed showing superiority or thought that okay so you are scared of me?? Huh? I will show you what getting scared is…one day everyone will be scared of me…hahaha and that evil expression if you can imagine.

Now lets fast forward the story to when Tom Marvolo Riddle turns 11. H already knew that he was special and could do magic but the bigger fact was that others were scared of him and so he could do whatever he liked by magic and get all he liked by bullying…The orphanage matron didn’t know this else she would have mentioned it to Dumbledore…the other kids didn’t tell the matron for they were scared and also for Tom being an intelligent boy must have heard of norms such as ‘witch burning’ and so he hid his true identity from everyone…until one day – when everything changed!

Tom Marvolo was in his room, maybe thinking over something when the matron brought him a visitor – first ever visitor. That moment, that visitor changed each and everything. A tall, fair man wearing a cloak, half moon spectacles, beard up to his waist and a pleasant smile (which Tom wasn’t used too… maybe he didn’t find Dumbledore radiating goodness cause Tom at heart had dwelled as evil and evil doesn’t like good!) entered… No need to introduce that this was Dumbledore…you all know it already!
Dumbledore told Tom that Tom was a wizard and was to attend Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Imagine having to eat just one spoonful ice cream everyday and one day you discover that you are the owner of an Ice Cream factory and you can have as many ice creams as you like anytime…lolzz…well something like this must have been Tom’s reaction. Being different from others was one thing and belonging to a completely different world was another. And we all know that Tom didn’t believe it, not until Dumbledore showed him by doing magic and Tom liked being different and powerful in the muggle world…but in the wizarding world, he would be just a small lad. However he didn’t know that he was special in that world as well!
When Tom was forced to believe that magical world and other magical folks existed, he wanted to know more. His curiosity and experimenting habits increased. After all, all the magic he knew by now was learnt by him experimenting and now he wanted to know more…So he decided to visit Diagon Alley alone.
We already know the Dumbledore’s point of view regarding his first meeting with Tom. Tom however had very different views. He realized that he was part of a bigger picture and so I guess from this point, muggle’s didn’t matter him anymore (except his father). H had a whole new world to see and he was ready for it. Now, he wanted people of his kind to bow low to him and not just muggles. But there was a tiny thing to remember – an elder wizard was Dumbledore who had already sensed that Tom had realized his powers and was using them nicely as well but not for nice things.
Maybe from here Tom got the idea of Occulumency / Legilimency. Anyways, he knew that his great journey had started already.

After Dumbledore left, he must have gone over and over again about his letter. Then taking to no more time to believe it, he must have set to try advance or complex spells. And then one fine day, he must have visited the diagon alley where he discovered a lot about the wizarding world.

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