Dated : September 10, morning

12:40 PM
I havenot been myself lately. I couldnot believe everything falls messed up at the same time. Harry Potter lands to Hogwarts. Harry brings back everything I was locking away from my mind. He seems to like feed on my bad memories - my personal dementor. Even the 'ridikulus' spell doesnot work against him.

Then even, Quirrell is not himself lately. A second unicorn found dead in the forest. Dumbledore was very upset to find the unicorn dead. It was a baby unicorn. Whoever did the killing had to be very desperate for the blood (for nothing else was taken). And in haste, they didnot even notice that it was a baby unicorn. So the purpose of blood shuold remain unsolved. A baby Unicorn doesnot have complete magical properties.
Dumbledore asked to use the hair, horn and remaining blood in different potions. Hagrid later buried away the body in the forest.

Dumbledore called a meeting regarding the same yesterday. I especially noticed Quirrell was not comfortable. He kept himself low and tried escaping alot of times. He seemed more scared than ever. Once the meeting was over, he tried his best to ask the whereabouts of the stone. But Dumbledore ignored it totally and we did the same. Dumbledore is the secret keeper and so we arenot cannot speak of its location even if we want to.

Meanwhile, the Mirror of Erised is brought into school. It could be kept into any room for now. THere isnot much use of it. Dumbledore tells if anyone tries to steal the stone, the stone will disappear and only be found with the help of the mirror. Its location will therefore, later be changed and not revealed. But that only if the stone is attempted to be stolen. If there is no attempt, no use!

'I am sorry Odour'

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