Dated : September 5, nearly twilight

12:38 PM
Dumbledore will have to do something about Quirrell soon. As Dumbledore tells, he offered Quirrell the job two years back but Quirrell then refused and then after a week when Quirrell returned from his holidays, he approached the headmaster for the job himself. Quirrell has always been an able wizard. He helped with dealing with the after effects of the first war against the Dark Lord but I never trusted him. Not even then... but now there is certainly something very wrong and Dumbledore needs to do something.

I something hate this about Dumbledore. That man knows everything and keeps processing it in his head. Makes me feel like a puppet who is being played upon the stage by Dumbledore. I know Dumbledore is a wise and experianced person and the only reason he can manage everything so well is because he is such a brilliant and unerstanding person. However I dont like it. I mean I am tensed and worried, I am thinking of his benefit and when I tell him, what I get "Severus, you ought to learn to have faith".

No absolutely... no faith in that Quirrell. How can I make Dumbledore see? Quirrell doesnot smell like garlic that he keeps for warding away the evil but he smells Evil... his presence makes a little bit of me shiver just like Dark Lord's presence did. This shivering is indeed little and minute compared to what Dark Lord's presence did but still it is there. I know Dumbledore senses something wrong too else he would have not kept Quirrell away from the stone. We arenot even supposed to tell anyone. I cannot help stop thinking that whatever wrong is there, it is somehow related to the Dark Lord. I just hope I am wrong.. atleast for this once.

Why do all problems come together? Harry Potter or more popularly now called 'the boy'... everyone speaks of him. Minerva says that he is a true Gryffindor. It's totally like my first year. Just then I was a student and this time I am a teacher.

'I am sorry odour'

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